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A bit more about our aims

We use the Early Learning Goals, and the National Curriculum for History as the basis of our curriculum, which is also aligned with our school vision. Our history curriculum exceeds the National Curriculum and ensures our students are secondary ready by the end of KS2.

In history, our children study a rich diversity of units through time and around the world. They gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the history of their local community, Britain, and the wider world.

We intend to allow our students to understand the complexities of civilisations, how they have changed, and the intricate interconnections between places and times. Through studying the past, we aim for our children to make sense of their present, as well as discussing modern challenges through the lens of history.

A high-quality, knowledge-rich curriculum is being taught to all so that pupils not only know more, remember more and understand more about the past, but also think and act as historians. We teach and encourage our children to be curious and to question the information they are presented with to further their historical understanding.

Our children grow in confidence as communicators of their own ideas and opinions in history; enabled by explicit vocabulary instruction and opportunities for pupils to use subject specific and academic language.

Our intention is unmistakeable; exceptional teacher instruction inspires pupils to acquire knowledge, and become discerning historians. In other words, become inspired, creative learners.

Through studying history, we intend for our students to widen their own field of vision; to appreciate how different people have lived, and currently live. This enables them to grow in kindness and empathy.

Our curriculum

Our long term sequence of learning:

You can view/download this document at the foot of the page.

In addition to our robust curriculum, we also build in other exceptional experiences for our children as they journey through primary school, including:

  • class visits to museums, including the Horniman Museum, Museum of London,  British Museum and Lewisham's Migration Museum;
  • class visits to sites of significant historical interest, including Crofton Roman villa, Pudding Lane and the many examples within our local area
  • opportunities to showcase their learning to wider audiences, including families. 

If you are a current parent/carer, please remember that you can have an overview of learning for your child's class for each block. (examples below) Just ask your teacher or at the school office. This may be useful for home discussion.


What about Black History?

We celebrate Black History Month in October and each year we focus on a different theme. This year it is Saluting our Sisters. Last year the theme was You called and we came, which explored the contribution made by the Windrush Generation to the rebuilding of the NHS. However, Black History and the histories of non-Caucasian groups form an integral part of our curriculum throughout each year and are very much a part of a child's journey through history at St Margaret's Lee.
